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Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program

The Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program (URMP) connects Graduate Student mentors with Undergraduates who want to gain hands on experience with active research projects.
For this Academic Year program cycle: Graduate Student Mentors will provide support and mentoring to students who are in one of the following categories:
  • Currently working on their own research project, this can be a faculty-mentored project or completely independent project OR
  • Prepared to begin a research project, such as have an idea or research questions that you would like to research

Application Requirement

  • Application Questions 
    • 名字
    • Pronouns 
    • Bearmail
    • Bear number
    • Phone number
    • Major(s) & minor(s)
    • Anticipated graduation date
    • Semester timing and physical location availability 
    • Academic and career goals (200 word maximum)
    • Research interests (200 word maximum) and/or any current research project information
    • What you hope to gain from joining the program? (200 word maximum)


  • Attend all mandatory meetings.
  • Obtain and maintain certifications as needed for research with humans, animals, HIPPA, Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)  (Note: we will let you know which of these you would need, and will assist you in obtaining the training/certification as needed as part of your mentorship program).
  • Respond to all correspondence from faculty mentor, graduate mentor, and OUR staff in a timely manner.  
  • Cultivate a passion for research and develop better insight as to scholarly paths that feel personally meaningful. 
  • Gain experience conducting research or working on scholarly projects or creative endeavors.
  • Follow the institution policies regarding academic conduct. 
  • Sign and comply with a participation agreement. 

Student Success Outcomes

  • Create more opportunities for students from under-represented backgrounds to increase academic domain identification and provide experiences that can contribute to undergraduate & potential graduate student success.
  • Develop meaningful connections with graduate student mentors and faculty that improve retention at an undergraduate level & recruitment at graduate school level.